‚A Brand New Minneapolis‘ by Joe Dammel

Der US-Fotograf Joe Dammel zieht auf die Strassen seiner Heimatstadt Minneapolis, um sein angestrebtes Ziel zu erreichen, hundert charismatische Film Porträts von fremden Menschen zu machen: „A Brand New Minneapolis“ nennt sich die fortlaufende Serie, die komplett mit der Mamiya 645 1000s Kamera aufgenommen wird. Die fantastischen Ergebnisse spiegeln die Vielfalt des Ortes wider, zeigen individuelle Persönlichkeiten und sorgen in manchen Fällen für ein breites Grinsen.

Minneapolis is always in the news for being “the most” of some category or another. Be it “most bike-friendly,” “most literate,” “gayest,” “smartest,” “healthiest,” you name it—-if it sounds good to the NPR set, you can bet that Minneapolis is atop or near the top of that list. I am convinced that Minneapolis is a great city for all of these reasons, but also so many more. The „more“ reasons are why I am setting out to photograph 100 strangers I meet while walking through this city. I hope that finding people from all walks of life will help me define for myself what makes Minneapolis special.

all images (c) joe dammel – tumblretsy