Hi, my name is: Mr Little Jeans

Mit dem wundervollen Cover zu „The Suburbs“ von Arcade Fire zauberte sich die junge Norwegerin Monica Birkenes alias Mr. Little Jeans im Jahre 2011 in unsere Herzen. Die talentierte Sängerin aus Grimstad stellte sich nun, kurz vor dem Release ihres Debüt-Albums und der neuen Single „Oh Sailor“, meinen nicht ernst gemeinten Fragen. Lest selbst:

I am Mr. Little Jeans
The second best Mr Little Jeans in the whole world!

Where does your pseudonym come from
I stole it from the janitor in Wes Andersons movie; Rushmore.

Motivation + Inspiration
Boats & ho’s.

When did you start singing
When I was 3. I think?

Your favorite song of all time
Oh no! I think that question is illegal. Isn’t it?

Your private suburb
Is so private I don’t even know how to get there.

What’s next
Release of my next single „Oh Sailor“ & Album release!

I’m In Love With
Ice cream.

I’m Dreaming Of
Ice cream!

What’s cookin‘ good lookin‘
I would love some pizza please.

Your question
Käse oder ohne kase rand?

Thanks Mr. Little Jeans. ♥

all images © mr little jeans / press photos