A video shot on the iPhone 4S – by Ben Dowie
Got an iPhone 4S yesterday and got up this morning to go for a surf. No surf, so thought I’d shoot some stuff to see what the new camera is like on the 4S. Got home, looked at the footage, and couldn’t believe it came out of a phone. Was so excited so thought I’d quickly cut a vid to share the goodness.
It’s actually amazing. The automatic stabilisation seems to work wonders, and gets rid of most the jello. Depth of field is flipping awesome. Colours are really good straight out the camera, but I did give this footage a slight grade.
Dieser Kurzfilm des Fotografen und Filmemacher Benjamin Dowie aus Adelaide zeigt neben den traumhaft schönen Bildern von australischen Küsten vor allem, was man aus dem neuen iPhone 4S und feinen Schnitten in Final Cut 7 für beeindruckende Ergebnisse herausholen kann.