The Five ▲ for Week No. 8 – Pictures from the 90s

, 25. Februar 2012 various
  • 48 Pictures That Perfectly Capture The ’90s
    Erinnerungsträchtige Fotoreihe mit Bildern, welche die 90er Jahre perfekt widerspiegeln. Mit Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, Full House, Aaron Carter und: Urkel gliding past Will Smith and Reggie Miller during the 1991 Rock n‘ Jock basketball game.
  • Maddie the Coonhound Standing on Things
    Es gab wohl keinen Blog, der Maddie diese Woche nicht gewürdigt hat. Nun also auch ich:
    Maddie the Coonhound is “a super serious project about dogs and physics” by photographer Theron Humphrey that features the talented Maddie standing on a variety of objects.
  • Famous Characters Living in the Real World
    Eine weitere tolle Fotografie-Serie mit Superhelden im Alltag.
    Photographer Bechet Benjamin’s series I Am Winnie the Pooh reminds us of that classic phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” By placing well-known characters and superheroes into marginal life or overlooked jobs, Benjamin forces the viewer to confront the various and complex hidden layers that constitute a person’s identity. The heroes are being denied celebrity status because they are doing average tasks or are just down on their luck—they have lost the glam that automatically defined their characters.
  • In The Belly Of A Whale by Editude Pictures
    Ein knapp 55-minütiger Film von Andreas Lamoth und Frederic Leitzke und eine sehr …
    Gelungene Dokumentation über die Berliner Kunst- und Kreativszene. Ein bisschen das Konservieren von Zeitgeist.
  • The Flying Baby by Rachel Hulin
    Exhausted and bored on an assignment, photographer Rachel Hulin, Henry’s mother, thought it would be fun to make her baby fly. So Henry flew. “The photo was sort of magical in an unexpected way and I wanted to make more,” Hulin said. She posted the photograph on Facebook and soon there was a flurry of comments. “Some people like the cute ones, some people like the spooky ones,” she said. “It’s an interesting litmus test.”