Hi, my name is Naomi Pilgrim

, 1. September 2014 music, news, stories

HI, MY NAME IS ist der ziemlich einfallslose Titel für eine kontinuierliche Interview-Reihe mit talentierten Fotografen, Musikern, Künstlern und inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten unserer Zeit. Heute stellen wir euch Sängerin Naomi Pilgrim vor, eine gebürtige Schwedin mit barbadischen Wurzeln, die ihre Karriere als Background Sängerin für Lykke Li startete und sich schließlich mit ihrer harmonischen EP „House of Dreams“ selbst in der Musikszene etabliert hat. Am 09.10. bekommen wir die Gelegenheit, uns von Naomi’s Talent zu überzeugen, denn dann wird die sympathische Stockholmerin bei der Ja Ja Ja Berlin Opening Night im Fluxbau auftreten.

I am born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. I’ve never seen a polar bear but i was almost run over by a moose once. I dream big and I long for peace. My people is my everything and I cry when the Olympians win gold. I really like the sound of a beating heart and I am in love with music.

how did you first get in touch with music
I grew up in a house where music was a big part of our everyday life, it was almost like a second family member. My father is a musician and someone always cried their heart out on my Mother’s vinyl.

what is your motivation, inspiration + influences
My motivation is to make great music and icons like Aretha Franklin, Prince and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie inspires me. I listen to a lot of music but to name just a few of my influences: Massive Attack, Sade, Solange, Miguel, Lou Reed and Jay- Z. Among my people there are many great creative minds and they constantly challenge me, „forcing“ me to move forward, so they too motivates, influences and inspires me.

where is your house of dreams
Even though a beach house would be nice, House Of Dreams is a state of mind and to me it´s about being comfortable in your own space and skin.

what is your daily routine
It’s a different look for everyday. One of the perks of working with music is that it takes you to a lot of places, you meet a lot of different people and you get the chance to do new stuff all the time; which makes it hard to have a daily routine. If I have time tho, I always start my day with a morning walk to clear my head, I’m all good with early as long as I’m not being super creative by night.

what’s next
I am just about to release a new song about being on the edge of breakdown. At the moment I am focusing on writing my debut album. There will be a few selected shows durings this fall and I´m looking to be back on the road for real again in the beginning of next year.

the reeperbahn festival was
…probably the happiest festival I ever played at!

what do you expect of berlin
Good fun, I love Berlin! Plus I’m bringing all of my girls.


© christian gustavsson

sweden vs. barbados
Let’s be honest. Sweden is ice cold 9 months of the year while Barbados has something like 350 sun days and the ocean is fucking turquoise, how is that even possible? But, the system in Barbados fails to support basic human rights like same sex love and that’s just cold 365 days a year. Meanwhile in Sweden, a feminist party almost entered the parliament in this year’s election and I’m all for equality, so favor to Sweden on that note. Bajans are awesome tho. Loud, vibrant and full of life. Swedes can be a bit closed up but we bring our A-game during the summer months for sure.

last but not least: your question
Who are you and what are you looking for in life?

Thanks Naomi

Am Donnerstag den 09.10. wird Naomi Pilgrim neben Blaue Blume und Alfred Hall bei der Eröffnungsparty der neuen skandinavischen Clubnacht Ja Ja Ja im Fluxbau in Berlin live auftreten. Ja Ja Ja Music ist eine Online-Musikplattform, Festival und Clubnacht, die seit 2009 in London stattfindet. Mehr als 120 nordische Künstler sind dort bisher aufgetreten, darunter Bands wie MØ, When Saints Go Machine, Niki and the Dove, Katzenjammer, Samaris, Reptile Youth und Olof Arnalds.

FluxFM & NBHAP präsentieren: Ja Ja Ja Opening Night
DO, 09.10., 20:00 Uhr
FluxBau, Pfuelstr. 5, 10997 Berlin